
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, enterprises need innovative solutions to enhance their database management systems and practices. The goal of most organizations is to ensure their applications are always on, always available and always responsive, while meeting ever-changing business demands. This is where a fully-distributed PostgreSQL platform comes into play.

In this 2-part blog series, we'll explore the best practices and a high-level architectural approach to perform a near zero downtime migration to pgEdge distributed PostgreSQL. We'll discuss the benefits realized and the process that ensures a seamless transition to an open, standards-based distributed PostgreSQL platform.

High Availability and Scalability

pgEdge is designed to deliver ultra-high availability and low latency across geographic regions and cloud environments. pgEdge achieves this through its advanced multi-master replication capabilities. This replication model allows for write operations to be distributed across multiple nodes, multiple regions, and multiple clouds, significantly reducing write latency and improving overall availability. Moreover, pgEdge's distributed nature ensures that as your data grows, your database system can easily scale horizontally to meet your business demands.

Open-Source Flexibility and Community Support

pgEdge brings to the table a critical combination of flexibility and robust support from seasoned PostgreSQL experts from the global development community. With pgEdge, your enterprise has the freedom to customize your database solution to meet your specific needs - this can be restricted when you're tied to a proprietary solution. Additionally, the open-source nature of pgEdge means that it is continuously improved by architects and developers who have been part of the PostgreSQL community for decades, ensuring that the platform stays at the cutting edge of database technology and security.

Migration Path to pgEdge Distributed Postgres with Near-Zero Downtime

1. Planning and Preparation

Migrating to pgEdge involves meticulous planning and preparation to ensure a smooth transition. pgEdge experts help you conduct a thorough assessment of your current database architecture, data volume, and application dependencies to assess the scope of the migration process. During the assessment, pgEdge can help identify any schema modifications or application adjustments that will simplify and streamline the migration.

2. Proven Migration Recipe - Configuring Data Replication

During this step, data replication from the existing Aurora database to pgEdge is established. This is facilitated by pgEdge's compatibility with PostgreSQL, allowing you to use logical replication to synchronize data in real-time. This step ensures that all data remains current on both the source and target databases during the migration process.

3. Application Dual-Writing

To minimize downtime, your application is initially configured to write simultaneously to both Aurora and pgEdge. This dual-writing phase is critical for testing the pgEdge environment under load and ensuring data integrity and application performance are maintained.

4. Incremental Data Syncing and Testing

While your application is writing to both pgEdge and Aurora, the incremental data sync continues - during this time, extensive testing is the focus. This testing phase includes verifying data consistency, performance benchmarking, and ensuring that all of your applications function correctly with pgEdge.

5. Cutover and Transition

Once testing confirms that pgEdge meets or exceeds the performance and reliability of Aurora, the final cutover is planned. This involves redirecting all database traffic from Aurora to pgEdge, effectively completing the migration. The cutover is scheduled during a low-traffic period to minimize impact and is executed as quickly as possible to ensure near-zero downtime.

6. Monitoring and Optimization

After the migration, continuous monitoring is essential to ensure the stability and performance of pgEdge. This phase involves tuning configurations, optimizing queries, and making adjustments based on real-world workload patterns.

Key Considerations

  • Risk mitigation - throughout the migration process, risk mitigation is a priority. This involves having a robust rollback plan in case any issues arise during the cutover.

  • Data Integrity - ensuring data integrity includes comprehensive data validation steps both before and after the cutover to pgEdge.

  • Performance Benchmarking - conducting side-by-side performance testing with Aurora and pgEdge is crucial to validate the performance benefits of the migration.


As we conclude this first part of our blog, you’ve gained a solid understanding of the fundamental advantages of pgEdge Platform, best practices along with the initial steps to prepare for a seamless migration. In Part 2, we will dive deep into the migration process itself and provide expert tips to ensure a smooth transition. This includes the steps for near zero downtime migration to pgEdge Platform - meticulously crafted to guide you through a seamless transition, prioritizing data integrity, system compatibility, and uninterrupted service delivery. By following this structured approach, your team can migrate large datasets and critical applications. For more information on pgEdge distributed Postgres, visit or to get started download pgEdge Platform at